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Glad-lived and the remainder that Welt

die Frohnhäuser Kaffemühle
the framework church
at glad living

To the upper Allna approximately 400 Seelendoerfchen which were situated, for the first time in a document from the year 1366 as " Fronhausen in the court Gladenbach " one mentioned.
One however the first Frankish colonization counts its establishment time, (400 to 600 A.d..) too, as live also with all remaining places in the periphery on end.
One assumes that the name is derived from the medieval word " Fron ", which " gentleman " means and was the first address here a " Fronhus ", a gentleman master of a noble one.
At the Franconia realm the country was divided into gaus. Our area belonged to Lahn gau, starting from that 10. Century then to the land county Hessen and at 13. Century ignored it into the possession of the Marburger land count.
At the 30jaehrigen war (1618-1648) remained our homeland in the first 20 years, up to which spares epidemics, which were brought in by the war peoples and who required many victims, but in the last 10 years also our area the whole fright of the war met.
At the Westfaeli peace 1648 it was determined that the hessian hinterland, which came offices battery mountain, Biedenkopf, Gladenbach and Koenigsberg to Hessen darmstadt.
Further years of different wars followed, and the time around 1800 became beyond that the " bloom time " the Wegelagerer and gangs of robbers.
1811 were removed the body characteristic, which meant however still for a long time no prosperity, since our fields were a little productive.
Thus ever more village citizen occupation relating to crafts turned; Glad-lives thus never was a correct farmer village.
1866, after the GermanAustrian war, we became Prussian and belonged to the province Hessen Nassau.
During the large emigration wave in the middle 19. Century left six glad houses their homeland.
1974 13 independent municipalities were united under it also to glad living, to the greater Gladenbach.

Text developed following the anniversary publication

to the 60jaehrigen anniversary of the freiwilligen fire-brigade glad living